College, School, & Unit Communications Leads

Colleges and Schools

Cornell Bowers College of Computing and Information Science
Melissa Osgood, Director of Communications
College of Agriculture & Life Science
Anne Brandt, Assistant Dean of Communications & Marketing
Cornell Botanic Gardens
Shannon Dortch, Associate Director of Communications & Marketing
Cornell Cooperative Extension
R.J. Anderson, Communications Writer
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Christian Camerota, Senior Director, Marketing and Communications
College of Architecture, Art & Planning
Alix de Torquat, Assistant Dean for Communications
College of Arts & Sciences
Tricia Ritterbusch, Assistant Dean of Communications
College of Engineering
Reeve Hamilton, Director of Marketing & Communications
College of Human Ecology
Robin Roger, Assistant Dean for Communications
Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy
Giles Morris, Assistant Dean of Communications
College of Veterinary Medicine
Len Johnson, Assistant Dean for Marketing & Communications
Cornell Law School
Martha Fitzgerald, Associate Dean of Communications
Cornell SC Johnson College of Business: School of Hotel Administration; The Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management; Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management
Brenda Jahnke, Associate Dean of Marketing & Communications
Cornell Tech
Mara McGinnis, Executive Director of Communications and Marketing
Graduate School
Merry Buckley, Assistant Dean of Communications
School of Continuing Education & Summer Sessions
Ann L. Morse, Executive Director of Communications & Marketing
School of Industrial and Labor Relations
David Yantorno, Assistant Dean of Communications and Marketing
Weill Cornell Medical College
Dan Dickinson, Director of Communications & Public Relations

Administrative Units

Alumni Affairs & Development
Andrew Gossen, Executive Director of Communications, Marketing and Participation
Campus Sustainability Office
Sarah Carson, Director
Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
Cornell Information Technologies
Beth Goelzer, Director of Customer Experience
Division of Financial Services
Jamie Parris, Communications Specialist
Global Cornell
Elise Gold, Director of Communications
Human Resources
Ashley Fazio, Director of Strategic Initiatives
Johnson Museum of Art
Andrea Potochniak, Editorial Manager
Office for the Vice Provost of Engagement and Land-Grant Affairs
Aaron Goldweber, Senior Director of Communications
Office of the Vice Provost for Enrollment
Rachel Weinert, Director of Enrollment Communications
Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation
Ellen Hartman, Director of Research Communications
Student and Campus Life
Amy Gaulke, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications
Jeremy Francis Hartigan, Senior Associate Director of Athletics for Communications
University Library
Zsuzsa Koltay, Director of Communications